“Possibly the best and most honest movie depicting what it’s really like to be out there blue water sailing. Daria Blackwell
Following the success of their documentary, Teresa and Ben have continued their journey as educators and gone on to become the co-owners of Morse Alpha Sailing, a coastal and offshore sailing school based out of Rockland Maine. In addition to teaching hard seafaring skills, Teresa and Ben have molded the philosophy of Morse Alpha to also emphasize developing character qualities such as leadership, crisis management, and fun-loving camaraderie. Don’t miss opportunities to learn from these two at this year’s Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival! With a showing of One Simple Question on Saturday evening and a variety of workshops throughout the festival, there will be no shortage of chances to be enriched and inspired by the life experiences of Teresa and Ben Carey.
Find Teresa & Ben Carey at the Wooden Boat Festival
Friday 10:45 AM | Technical Stage
Intro to Traditional Navigation
Saturday 9:30 AM | Adventure Stage
Women’s Offshore Panel
Saturday 1:15 PM | Technical Stage
Movie: One Simple Question
Saturday 7 PM | Adventure Stage