Wooden Boat Festival docks at Point Hudson

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Thursday September 5, 2024, 5:30 PM, Cruising & Technical Stage
Each year we recognize members of our greater maritime community for the Wooden Boat Festival Lifetime Achievement awards in Wooden Boat Community & Spirit. This heartfelt Festival tradition is open to the public.

Nigel Calder

A Detailed Look at DIY Diesel Engine Maintenance
Thursday, September 5 | 8 AM–11 AM | $60
This workshop dives into the heart of diesel engine fundamentals, focusing on core maintenance tasks that can be undertaken by every boat owner (and some that should not be attempted).


Nigel Calder

My Diesel Engine Is Acting Up: What May Be Wrong, and Can I Fix It?
Thursday, September 5 | 12 PM– 3 PM | $60
This workshop includes a detailed description of essential troubleshooting skills and techniques, including with a multimeter.


Nigel Calder

Commonly Seen Electrical Installation Mistakes on Boats and How to Fix Them
Friday, September 6 | 8 AM–11 AM | $60
This workshop will identify common electrical installation mistakes, many of which are built in by boatbuilders and equipment installers. These errors can upend the enjoyment of our boats and may also create serious safety risks. Once recognized, most are easy to fix.


Nigel Calder

Practical Electrical Systems Troubleshooting for Boaters
Friday, September 6 | 12 PM–3 PM | $60
This workshop includes a detailed description of essential troubleshooting skills and techniques, including with a multimeter.


Race to Alaska Blazer Party

Friday September 6, 2024, 6 PM
It’s a reunion, awards ceremony, and a kickoff beer bash all wrapped into one! And everyone is invited to join in. This annual event brings lovers of the Race to Alaska and racers together to share stories of this year’s race and be the first to hear changes to the race for the next year. Buy a ticket for admission and get a free drink and fistfuls of finger food.


International Travel Happy Hour

Saturday September 7, 5-6 PM, Northwest Maritime Center AV Room
Interested in going with the Northwest Maritime Center to Norway in 2020 or Japan in 2021? Going to Croatia with us this fall or hope to in the future? Let's get together, share stories, and start planning for the future. Help us decide where we should go on our next international excursion! Free to all, no RSVP necessary.

Over the Bar: Bell Tolls

Sunday, September 8, 2024, 10 AM
Join us in honoring the mariners and community members we have lost over the past year. The Bell Toll Ceremony will take place in the First Fed Commons and be led by renowned sailmaker and mariner Carol Hasse, who will read the names of those who have crossed the bar. A bell will ring eight times, to mark the end of the departed’s watch on this world.

If you would like to add a loved one’s name to the list that will be read during the ceremony, email len@nwmaritime.org.

Sail By

Sunday, September 8, 2024, 3 PM
Don’t miss the event of the weekend with more than 300 boats on the bay! The best places to watch from Festival Grounds are the Balcony Bar, the Wee Nip, and the First Fed Commons.

Taiko Drumming

Sunday September 8, 12 PM, Bar Harbor
Don't miss a fantastic performance of Taiko drumming by Japan Creative Arts out of Seattle! Taiko is a form of percussion using large drums that boasts a deep cultural significance throughout Japan. With origins in Japanese mythology and folklore, Taiko drums have been used throughout the nation's history in all manner of musical ensembles and ceremonies. Hear the thunderous roll of these drums at noon on the Sunday of Festival as they precede a traditional Shinto boat launching ceremony. Photo credit: Tero Patana and Japan Creative Arts.

Shinto Boat Launching

Sunday September 8, 12:30 PM, Basin of Marina
Join us for a traditional Shinto ceremony to launch the recently built Japanese river boat—constructed by Douglas Brooks and class at the Northwest Maritime Center. The launching will be a unique opportunity for visitors to experience a ceremony never seen outside of Japan. A Shinto launching consists of rituals and celebrations of the kami, or spirit that pervades all things animate and inanimate. The boat launching is a celebration of the spirit of the waters and the mountains, as well as the purification of the boat and its builders.

Keep Our Sea Plastic Free! We’re stepping up our environmental sustainability efforts for the future of our oceans and the wildlife that depends on them. Click here to learn how you can help.