Miners Queen

In Festival Boats 2022

My brother-in-law started building this boat in the 1990s. I personally think to get out of the house. He sailed it once and then moved away from the Columbia River. It sat for 13 years when I began getting interested in sailing. So he gave the boat to me. I had the cabin cover redone last year with mahogany veneer. All of the wood trims were also redone.

The engine sits in a well, so you can theoretically pull it out of the water when sailing.
After my husband died I realized that if I was going to sail I needed to learn. So after taking ASA Sailing 101, my brother-in-law thought I should take over the boat he built. To get the 24’ marine grade plywood to the boat, he built a frame for his car and my late husband helped him bring the plywood early in the morning across the 205 bridge hoping not to see a cop.

Watching him build the boat was quite fascinating, so when he gave it to me I was honored.
He picked this design so he could pull it up to the sandy beaches on the river.