The new ‘cordless’ Swe’Pea! Swe’Pea began as a hot-molded Jet 14 sailing dinghy that was transformed into a stately 13 ft miniature runabout with a 5 hp gas outboard. One summer, the state registration came with a CO warning sticker that alerted us to the proximity of the gas motor to our then-young daughter. We set about to convert her from gas to full electric. Swe’Pea has now been an electric boat for 11 years. The electric boating experience was dramatically better; being on the water was a more powerful restorative and rejuvenating experience. Conversations with family and friends opened up, and the improved reliability, handling, and reduced-maintenance were a pleasant surprise. The original electric conversion added 40 lbs. vs. the gas outboard. But her 2 year old EP Carry outboard system is actually 55 lb. lighter so she weighs just 230 lbs. plus crew and gear. Swe’Pea showed our family the way to create a new electric dinghy motor: the EP Carry now graces hundreds of other transoms in the US and Canada. She continues to show us ways to a more enjoyable (and sustainable) future; her new solar pop top can drive us for up to 20 nautical miles per day with only one 6 lb. EP Carry battery aboard.
Swe’Pea will travel from Olympia to Port Townsend this year in the Salish 100 Cruise, on solar alone.