
In Festival Boats 2022

Raven 77 made her way to Port Townsend a few years ago. Although most all Raven’s hale from New England, this boat was built in San Francisco. Cold molded construction (or hot-molded, there is some debate), and then glassed, she has always been well protected from the elements allowing for her survival. Monte lovingly cared for her from 1963 until a few years ago when she was re-homed to me. Jensen’s boat yard did most of her upkeep during those decades, and Monte and his daughter sailed her hard whenever there was an opportunity.
I took over her care and feeding 3 years ago, and with the many expected hours of re-finishing and some gradual rigging, improvements got her back on the water and flitting around PT bay. A large main and fractional jib, she’s light and responsive to any puff that comes along. She’s a great Port Townsend day sailor bringing wide grins to those aboard.