Ursa MajorIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 After her solid wooden hull was built in Norway, the Ursa Major was launched in 1972 at the Malahide shipyards in Dublin, Ireland. With her classic “Old World” charm, solid
TykeIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Tyke is a fine example of a classic Atkins Eric Junior design. Traditional carvel construction – Port Orford Cedar planking on White Oak frames. Fully restored and renovated between 2002
TwoBitsIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 TwoBits was originally built as an open launch in 1932 and used as a tender to the North Star, a 230′ vessel owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Both
TumblehomeIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Scott Sprague designed and built TUMBLEHOME in a Bainbridge Island boat shop in the 1980’s, with the help of many others in the yard when they had time to help
TrixterIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Trixter was built by the Bob and Frank Prothero in 1934 on Lake Union in Seattle. She’s powered with an Isuzu C-240 diesel engine, and is used as a pleasure
TownshendIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Our 2 longboats, Townshend and Bear, are 26′ open wooden boats. They are historic replicas from Captain George Vancouver’s exploration of the region in 1792 that were built at the
ToujourIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 1957 STEPHEN’S SPORT-FISHER, TWIN DIESEL FLYBRIDGE SEDAN CRUISER. GALLEY DOWN. FLYBRIDGE UP. BOW FORWARD. STERN AFT. Sweet Cruise @ 10knots/4gal per hour. Burn 20 gal+/hour at 22 knots….OUCH
F/V TordenskjoldIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Tordenskjold was built by John Strand in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood in 1911. It was named after the famous Dano-Norwegian naval hero, Peter Jansen Wessel Tordenskjold (a nom de guerre meaning
TheiaIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Theia introduced us to some special Port Townsend friends and craftspeople who took part in her rebirth. We are grateful to Gary and Nancy Fredrick, the Tucker family, Randy Charrier,
The BC ForesterIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Built in 1923 as the headquarters launch for the BC Ministry of Forests. The BC Forester served for over 50 years before her retirement. She carried up to 10 rangers,