XanaduIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 Xanadu was built in Hong Kong in 1971 of Philippine mahogany planks on yacal frames. Her interior is mostly teak. She is powered by a single John Deere diesel engine
WoodyIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 Woody was my first boat build project launched in 1993. Her hull is marine grade fir plywood. Frames are Port Orford Ceder. The transom, seats and trim are Mahogany all
Wind SpiritIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 I found this pirate ship sitting in an equipment yard in Olympia in 2011. The Vessel was hand crafted as a one-off pirate ship conversion in 1985, by a retired
WhisperIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 Whisper was built in 1957 by the Thomas Knutson Shipbuilding Corp. in Halesite, Long Island, New York. She was designed by Sparkman and Stevens as part of their “Pilot” series
WaterstriderIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 Sprit rigged stitch and glue double ender with two rowing stations. Skerry design from Chesapeake Light Craft.
VixenIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 Since her launching in 1952 Vixen has sailed two and a half times around the world. Her most recent circumnavigation was an 11 year voyage completed in 2015. The people
Vito DumasIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 I purchased Vito Dumas in January of 1976, and after a period of work combined with shakedown cruises on the California coast, began a nearly three year cruise that included
Virginia CaryIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 26, 2018 1973 Grand Banks 36. The last year Grand Banks their boats in wood. Very stable and good sea boat. Two time Alaska veteran, and several trips to Desolation Sound. This
VirginiaIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 Virginia was the first large sailing vessel built by the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding in 1981. The original inspiration for this small sloop came from Alvin Mason’s 24′ OSTKUST,
VeteranIn Festival Boats 2018 on November 21, 2018 In 1926, Skansie Shipbuilding Company launched purse seine vessel Veteran in Gig Harbor. Built for Peter Skansie, Veteran is a beautifully preserved sample of one of the nearly 100 Skansie-built