Felicity Ann

In Festival Boats 2017

The mighty, tiny Felicity Ann was used by Ann Davison in her 1954 historic voyage. Ann became the first woman to fo a solo ocean crossing. What made it more amazing is that the Felicity Ann was and still is only 23′! Add to that, Ann was not really a sailor. Also remember the times- 1954- not many solo trips had been done at all, and there was no way near the gear and resources available as there is today. All in all, she was a truly epic accomplishment. Felicity Ann was designed by Sid Mashford and built in 1939. Due to the war, Felicity Ann was never finished until Ann Davison found her. Felicity Ann just got a complete hull restoration at the NW School of Wooden Boatbuilding. Now she is under the stewardship of the Community Boat Project, who will complete the restoration for the sailing in the summer of 2018.