Santorina is a 38ft Schooner that incorporates a number of unique features from the former owner that required careful planning from the outset. The boat would be used on the East coast of Canada and must be able to comfortably head south, where its horizons will. not be limited. A primary influence on the design was the owner’s desire to install twin Diesel engines. The owner and designer decided to locate both engines in the forward accommodation (galley) area to make them totally accessible for maintenance. This location also permitted a direct shaft line to the propellers located in a well protected area, just forward of the trailing edge of the keel. However, the two 410 pound Puegeot diesels located forward profoundly influenced the center of weight and had to change. A more detailed weight study was required to determine the location of Keel and ballast. the Schooner rig with the Main sail aft fit nicely for balance and power as the owner request a rig for short handed sailing with roller furling on all sails except the main.