

Home Port: Olympia, WA
Year Built: 1938
LOA: 26'
Beam: 8'4"
Owner: Ahoi Mench
Designer: Aage Utzon
Design: Klasse Spidsgatter
Type: Sloop

Pia is one of six Klasse Spidsgatters imported into Victoria by the same man in the late fifties. Four of those boats including DaCapo, Cito, Eio and Pia sail Washington waters today. I found Pia in near derelict condition in Cortez Bay, BC in 1992 and spent 19 months repairing her including a new cockpit, interior, decks, rails, rudder and tiller, skylight, companionway, forward hatch and engine mounts. Badly damaged when driven onto the spit between Smith and Minor Islands in 2010 I spent another 18 months bringing her back again. She is a beautiful design of ancient heritage and this has inspired her long life.

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