White SpruceIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 In 1932, White Spruce was custom built as a private vessel in the Harbor Shipyard of Vancouver, B.C.. She is built with 1-1/4″ Alaskan yellow and Red Cedar planking fastened
Hom e made’In Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 1950s or early 60s cold molded hull. Built in what appears to be the Seattle area with an unknown car top as of yet maybe somebody can identify it molded
First TryIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 I have been an avid kayaker for years but have always paddled around in plastic kayaks around Puget Sound and in many of our fresh water lakes in the Shelton,
Gray WolfIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 2023 Race To Alaska winner, Gray Wolf is a cold molded cedar boat with a free standing rig, and water ballast. She was built for ocean racing in Camden, ME
Tu-tutshIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 Long time explorer of the Salish Sea. Built by our grandfather in 14 months and launched in 1961. Hull #39
MyciaFor SaleIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 The Mycia is a hand-made, wooden, gaff-rigged, American sailing-fishing schooner. Built entirely by hand in the Pacific Northwest, the Mycia was designed and lofted in Port Townsend, Washington, by Jim
Buster KIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 The boat was rowed at UCI in southern California. It had been sitting for a couple decades collecting dust and deteriorating. I brought it up to Port Townsend a few
LotusFor SaleIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 17, 2023 On display for the third time at WBF, Lotus is a unique Pacific Northwest trimaran meticulously built to plans by Aussie Coilin Haigh in Vancouver BC, in balsa with epoxy/glass
BearIn Festival Boats 2023 on July 14, 2023 Commissioned by the Wooden Boat Foundation, Bear was built in partnership with Gray Wolf Ranch and the NW School of Wooden Boatbuilding. Greg Foster designed her from the lines of