Peggy C

In Festival Boats, Festival Boats 2023

A Finnish boatbuilder in Portland, Oregon was the first to build one of these skiffs. It became a popular boat in Lake Oswego, Oregon where there was once a whole fleet of Lake Oswego skiffs. It has unique features, like a flat-bottom plank in place of a keel, that makes the boat relatively fast to build. This Lake Oswego boat has cedar lapstrake planking on its hull, the frame is steam-bent white oak – very common woods in the Pacific Northwest. Peggy C was built over a series of classes at The Center for Wooden Boats in the Bill Garden Boatshop. Lake Oswego boats have been built at CWB over the years as favorite boats for the Livery (boat rental operations) as they are a pleasure to row around the lake and building methods allow students to experience all steps of lapstrake construction.