
In Festival Boats 2018

Raven is an example of a Swampscott Dory, built to Ian Oughted’s Stickleback Dory design (part-decked sailing version). Swampscott dories were originally designed for launching through the surf and fishing off the Coast of Massachusetts. Her hull is made of meranti plywood, using the glued lapstrake construction technique. The inner stem, frames, and other structural members are white oak, and the transom and thwarts are of African mahogany. Her light weight, shallow draft and a narrow bottom make for easy rowing; the flared sides provide plenty of reserve stability when sailing; and the narrow transom effectively creates a double-ender that moves smoothly through the water. She’s used primarily for fun, fishing, and crabbing in the estuaries of the Central Oregon Coast. A custom tent cover allows sleeping on-board and camp cruising.