
SL Puffin

Home Port: Seattle, WA
Year Built: 1906
LOA: 21'
Beam: 7'
Owner: Center for Wooden Boats
Designer: Truscott
Design: Compromise
Type: Launch

Puffin was built by Truscott in St. Joseph, Michigan in 1906. Starting out as a hotel “limo”, by the 1980’s she was in disrepair near Mackinac Island and was rebuilt, along with her sistership, the Antiqua. At this time Puffin was retrofitted to steam power from gas power to be more representative of her era. Puffin ended up in Seattle via Flat Head Lake to join the fleet at the Center for Wooden Boats. In order to take out passengers, a new boiler was built to ASME standards and a group of local machinists built a new engine from a kit obtained from Tiny Power. Puffin is still in good working order and takes groups of passengers for rides in CWB’s Public Sail Program.

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