After a small stroke in 2011 I took on building a wooden kayak to help with the paralysis and weakness of my right side. This was a really uplifting fun experience. This led to me purchasing a Hobie adventure island sailing trimaran kayak and learning to sail it was fun. I really learned to enjoy sailing but the Hobie kayak was quite a wet ride I longed for a dryer more comfortable sail. I then came across Off Center Harbor and the video series they did on building the Caledonia yawl. I let that idea simmer for 6 months before I ordered my kit from Hewes and Company.
I followed the plans and the video instruction to complete the hull. But then once I turned the hull over I wanted to make the interior my own. Something esthetically pleasing to me and well suited to my intended use. I had read Roger Barnes “Dinghy Cruising Companion” and also the Gunk Book by Todd Bloch a journal about gunkholing the California delta waterways not far from my home. I knew I wanted this boat to be a comfortable Camp cruising boat. I raised the forward floor three and a half inches to widen the area either side of the center board trunk for a sleeping area. With this extra volume under the floor I created hatches to access this area for storage. I built a small deck aft and a larger one forward where I could have convenient stowage behind watertight doors which also serve as added flotation. A U-shaped cockpit bench with more storage under the seats finalized my basic planned design.
After retiring at 65 the year before, I launched Ramona in September of 2022. I did so in San Diego on my annual vacation there. I rented a slip in the marina for 9 days and every day the wind and sun co-operated. Learning to sail Ramona while loaded with friends and family was a bit unnerving but very exciting. I built the free standing balanced lug with a mizzen. I really enjoyed having the mizzen. Sheeted hard she points into the wind allowing for raising or lowering the main sail. Once underway ease up a bit to balance the helm. she was fun to sail. I am glad I chose the Caledonia Yawl it was fun, I felt safe and it provided me “the comfortable and dry ride” that I had wanted.