

Home Port: Friday Harbor, WA
Year Built: 1948
LOA: 50'
Beam: 13'6"
Owner: Gregg and Rachel Dietzman
Designer: Robert Allan
Design: One-off
Type: Power

While stationed in Ocean Falls for the BC Police and RCMP she patrolled the coastal waters from Cape Caution to Campania Sound, and while stationed in Prince Rupert for the BC Forest Service she covered the region from Stewart to Hartley Bay. Today, the current owners have made several cruises from Cape Flattery to Prince William Sound. Poplar III was built for the Pacific Northwest, is a pleasure to be aboard and her legacy is remembered by folk throughout the inside passage. Many thanks to the marine trades in Port Townsend where the prints of many hands show both skill and care in maintaining this important piece of BC history.

Sponsored for the festival by the PT Shipwrights Co-op.

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