Isabella was built in Denmark and is a solid example of the Nordic Folkboat design class. The
Folkboat design evolved from a competition to create a sailboat suitable for use in the Baltic
Sea. The Baltic and the Salish Seas have similar sailing conditions so the design works well here
The lapstrake hull is of yellow pine riveted to steam bent oak frames. Mast and boom are
spruce. Her deck is the original design of canvas and felt over wood. Most of her hardware is
the original bronze.
She has been in the Salish Sea area for at least two decades where previous owners have
maintained her to a high standard. The present owner had the lapstrake hull planks hardened
two years ago and she is as watertight as when she first sailed in the Baltic Sea 66 years ago.
Standing and running rigging have been upgraded to keep her safe and seaworthy. Local
marine craftspeople including the Port Townsend Shipwrights, Brion Toss Yacht Riggers, and
Northwest Rigging have been invaluable in helping preserve her for decades of future sailing.