For Sale
“FLYING EAGLE”, as named originally by lobsterman Floyd Pinkham of Gouldsboro, ME, when her keel was laid, was launched by Vinal Beal on the Moosabec Reach of Beals Island Maine in 1963. Vinal designed and built all such lobster boats during winter when not lobstering, by means of a half-model (no plans). These stunning vessels with their low freeboard and graceful sheer are often referred to as a “Beals Islander” or “Jonesporter”.., a workboat with beauty of purpose and specifically built for their own geographic down east Maine fishing conditions. Known by historians alike as the best working form ever constructed, they were and remain so, an inspiration both visually and spiritually, and without question, were the most beautiful and fast vessels of their time.
Their speed was a direct result of their “skeg construction”. Skeg designs were constructed with the frames (or hull bottom) joining the keel in a flat plane nearly perpendicular to the sides of the keel, so the bottom planking at the after part of the hull meets the skeg/keel almost at right angles. In turn, they were often lighter & faster than their “built-down” construction counterparts in Southern or mid-coast Maine, with less holding the hull back with a very flat run aft, less wetted surface and a propless obstructed. They were also known to be stronger where the horn timber, keel, and sternpost come together, were less rolly while working adrift, and more stable carrying large loads. She’s a rare breed with a rich documented history of hunting Maine lobsters for an astonishing 45+ years and a rare find because most were left to rot with the advent of fiberglass. When more powerful engines and mechanized means of hauling traps became common, the graceful lines with shear and low freeboard soon vanished.
Discovered in Rockport Maine late 2014, FLYING EAGLE, as promptly re-named (as original when her keel was laid in 1962), was partially refit indoors at Artisan Boatworks during the worst of heavy winter weather. By spring she then endured an eleven-day, 3,500 mile overland journey by flatbed truck to Anacortes Washington, arriving May 1, 2014. Following two active cruising seasons between Port Townsend, Canada, and the San Juan Islands, she then completed final structural restorations during the first six months of 2017 at Emerald Marine in Anacortes, WA. During the restoration process, the focus has always been preserving what once was and what will never be again, so generations to come will have the opportunity to appreciate her. FLYING EAGLE would not be here today if not for all past owners (mostly lobstermen) over the last 58 years, each of which has done their part with repair and maintenance while working her hard in the far eastern fetches of Maine.
NOTE: Other than a lighter 2013, 383 Mercruiser gas V8 stroker engine, FLYING EAGLE is very much original including her Newport Green, Medium Buff and White color scheme, her throaty dry-stack exhaust rising up through her standing shelter, and her underwater bronze prop-cage meant to prevent fouling of lines. She still does 22+ knots!