
Daddy’s Third

Home Port: Olympia, WA
Year Built: 2012
LOA: 26'
Beam: 8'
Owner: Thomas Hruby
Designer: Glen-L
Design: St. Pierre Dory
Type: Electric

Daddy’s Third is a 26 ft St. Pierre Dory powered by two electric trolling motors. This is the third version of an electric dory I have built since 1996 and incorporates some recent innovations in electric propulsion. The two 36 volt Minn Kota motors and lithium iron phosphate batteries give us a range of 50 nautical miles at hull speed (5knots) or 150 nautical miles at 2.8 knots. 540 watts of flexible solar panels augment the power stored in the batteries at a rate of 4 hrs of sunlight = 1 hr cruising at hull speed.

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